Wednesday, January 13, 2010

its time to wrap up.

i have a whole mess of projects on the go right now, and not enough time to finish any of them. i really need to get motivated to do all this shit in a timely manner. i have just had so many odd jobs to do and its really started to take away from all my other goals. slated for finishing touches are a hiwatt ( i broke a power tube, putt new ones in and now something just aint right. so i need to figure that shit out.) a jcm800. this thing crushes your kidneys, pushes so much fucking air through those cabinets... all thats left on the is tracing and killing a little bit of ground hum.
and lastly, an svt style head... this this is heavy and a huge fucking pain in the ass. lots of smalls tweaks to make on this one. but it about time i finish this guy.

so future. where am i with you at the current moment, well i want to build more jcm style amps. more 18-45 marshalls. some more oranges. i would like to venture into the blackface territory, and maybe a tweed bassman. also a trem reverb unit in a rack mount case.

this is all tentative to me keeping my doors open for business, as i am contemplating a permanent shut down.

1 comment:

  1. i think a "shut down" would be premature.
    the workmanship and skills that you have poured into your craft cannot be easily matched. I for one, am thoroughly impressed with the quality of your amps, quality that I think hasn't yet been realized by anyone outside of your doors.
    keep it up bud.


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