Friday, January 29, 2010


i decided i needed to take inventory of my current gear because its always safe to have a list incase anything goes terribly wrong.

fender 65' super reverb reissue.
79 garnet revolution ll.
78 garnet revolution lll.
goodamps 100watt black thunder.
goodamps 18watt sessions master.
goodamps 40watt tweed deluxe.
goodamps 100watt powermax.
goodamps 100watt elite.
goodamps 300watt big bottom.
sunn beat lead (this is not mine, but is stored at my studio)

goodamps 4x12 w/ weber signature speakers.
goodamps 2x12 w/ weber signature speakers.
goodamps 2x12 w/ weber signature speakers.
randall 4x12 w/ celestion gt12-75's
vintage ampeg svt 8x10 bass
sunn beta lead 4x12 (this is not mine but stored at my studio)

roland space echo (re 201), early 70's japanese.
diamond memory lane delay pedal.
korg pitch black tuner.
boss tr2 temolo.
boss bd2 blues driver.
electro harmonix little muff.
mxr clean boost.
mxr dyna comp.

fender 72 thinline resissue, 3tone burst.
kyle good 62 telecaster copy 3 tone sunburst.
prairiecustoms carlycaster (thinline esquire) 3 tone burst.
82 hondo 335 copy.
gibson sg faded white 3 pickup model.
gibson sg standard natural burst.
burny 61 sg reissue, black. mid 80's.
1960's symphonic holllowbody (fender coronado copy) 3 tone sunburst.
1960's zen-on electric 2 tone burst.
godin fith avenue kingpin. conagc burst.
yamaha acoustic.

squire vintage modified p bass (tele bass) 3 tone burst.
kyle good telecaster shortscale bass, brown.

other gear:
tascam m3500 mixing console.
motu 986 interface
presonus firebox.
assorted mics. and pre's

well thats a fairly detailed list i plan to come back to this with serial numbers. and specific years of the items.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

its time to wrap up.

i have a whole mess of projects on the go right now, and not enough time to finish any of them. i really need to get motivated to do all this shit in a timely manner. i have just had so many odd jobs to do and its really started to take away from all my other goals. slated for finishing touches are a hiwatt ( i broke a power tube, putt new ones in and now something just aint right. so i need to figure that shit out.) a jcm800. this thing crushes your kidneys, pushes so much fucking air through those cabinets... all thats left on the is tracing and killing a little bit of ground hum.
and lastly, an svt style head... this this is heavy and a huge fucking pain in the ass. lots of smalls tweaks to make on this one. but it about time i finish this guy.

so future. where am i with you at the current moment, well i want to build more jcm style amps. more 18-45 marshalls. some more oranges. i would like to venture into the blackface territory, and maybe a tweed bassman. also a trem reverb unit in a rack mount case.

this is all tentative to me keeping my doors open for business, as i am contemplating a permanent shut down.