well i finish up the highwhat. went through start up and what do you know no power to the filaments. so i checked around. try to find bad connections. none. so i check the voltages from the power transformer and whaddaya know? seems the winding for the 6.3v low power filament supply is faulty. ordered a new one. hopefully that solves it.
working out plans for the reverb/vibrato unit right now. and looking at jcm800 schematics. i dont like that the pre amp and master were right next to each other. i always like it when the preamp and the master are distant from one another. i dunno why. just personal preference i guess. so looks like that could be in the near future. as well as another whitethrash. but back to my standard black/black skin. call it. "black metal"
and a classic 18 watt brit sounding thing.
and someone ordered another princeton. thats all for now.